Dear valued customers,

It has recently come to the attention of “” that there are certain individual(s) and / or company(ies) who/which have set up websites, in particular:, and

These websites listed above have represented that “” are selling its products at extremely low prices. We, “” hereby confirm that the said website and/or websites of a similar nature do not belong to and/or are not affiliated to and/or initiated by and/or created upon the instruction of but was created and operated by the other individual(s) or company(ies) solely on their own initiative, possibly with the intention of scamming, misleading and/or taking advantage of the public by selling counterfeit products.

We, hereby confirm that we are currently NOT running any sales and we do not sell our smart beds for $99 and we have never sold any of our smart beds for $99.

As such, we would like to caution customers from falling into the trap by purchasing’s products on such non “” authorised website(s). In any event, shall not be held responsible for any losses, costs and damages arising from the transactions of non authorised website(s). We would like to take this opportunity to re-assure the public that has always and will continue to prioritise quality in their products which reflects fair prices for all their customers.